2025 Regional Rides & Events Page

Jan       Feb       Mar       Apr       May       Jun       Jul       Aug       Sept       Oct       Nov       Dec      
Date(s) Name Location Description Sponsor-Info


tbd None for this month


8 Seattle Center Exhibition Hall 301 Mercer St., Seattle, WA Cascade Bike Club
8 Seattle Bike Swap Seattle Center, Exhibition Hall Neighbors helping neighbors buy and sell a trove of bicycle treasures, new and old. Cascade Bike Club
23 Chilly Hilly Colman Dock, Seattle or Community Center, Bainbridge Island, WA Terrain: Hilly Cascade Bike Club


tbd Worst Day of the Year Ride Luck Labrador Brew Pub, Portland Or Cancelled for 2025----- ORBike


tbd Gran Fondo Goldendale Goldendale, WA 90 miles (25 gravel) 6300ft climbing. Disclaimer: This ride is HARD and is intended for experienced cyclists only. Visit website
tbd Daffodil Classic Orting, WA Now a members only ride. Non-Members can join TWBC and register for the ride online at TWBC.org for only $25.00. Tacoma Wheelmen Bicycle Club
13 Ride for Major Taylor White Center Bicycle Playground, Seattle, WA Short Route: 26.3 miles & Elevation Gain: +1,170 ft Long Route: 63 miles & Elevation Gain: +3,620 ft Cascade Bicycle Club
19 Spokane Bike Swap Spokane County Fair & Expo Ctr Visit website
27 Monster Cookie Metric Century Salem, OR 6, 35 & 63 miles Salem Bicycle Club
27 McClinchy Camano Classic Century Arlington, Snohomish 15, 33, 50, 65, or 103 miles B.I.K.E.S. Club of Snohomish County


tbd Inland Empire Century Pasco, Kennewick, Richland Washington Easy 25 miles to challenging 50, 75 or 100 mile tours Tri-Cities Industry Kiwanis Club
tbd Cycle Oregon Classic Gravel tba tba Visit website
tbd Tour de Bloom (Stage Race) Wenatchee, WA Tour de Bloom is a USA Cycling Category B event sanctioned under Permit # 2022-Pending BikeReg
tbd Cascade Gravel Grinder Bend,OR 50-140 Miles, 3051-7059' elevation Oregon Gravel Grinderseries
tbd Bike to Work Week Nationawide National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling � and encourage more folks to giving biking a try. League of American Bicyclists
tbd Ride The Rapids- Deschutes River Tygh Valley, OR Oregon's most scenic cycling event with a 61 mile (metric century) and 39 and 20 mile courses! Ride The Rapids has an incredible scenic course with views of the Deschutes River, Mt. Hood, and the Juniper Flats. Visit Website
tbd Emerald City Bike Ride Seattle, WA Not scheduled for 2023. Maybe a 2024 ride will happen. Cascade Bicycle Club
tbd Skagit Spring Classic Bayview Elementary School - Burlington 25, 45, 64, 100 miles Skagit Bicycle Club
tbd Lewis County Historical Bicycle Ride Chehalis, WA 12 to 107 miles Lewis County Optimists
tbd Bike to Work Day Visit website
tbd Seattle Bike-n-Brews North Two Beers Brewing Co. 39 miles Elevation gain: 482 ft. Visit breweries and enjoy cityscapes and shaded woods on a low-care,flat route. Cascade Bike Club
16-18 Walla Walla Tour Cougar Crest Estate Winery / Quirk Brewing / Castillo D Felicianna Vinyard (Depending on distance) Distance: 113 - 149 miles Elevtion Gain 4,700 - 5-900 ft. Cascade Bike Club
17 Reach the Beach - Oregon Sauvie Island, Vernonia, Jewell, and Astoria, Oregon 14m, 32m, 64m, 100m American Lung Association
18 Your Canyon for a Day Bike Tour Yakima, WA 35 mile round trip through the scenic Yakima River Canyon Ride Yakima - Yakima Crime Stoppers
18 Gran Fondo Leavenworth Leavenworth, Wash 82 miles (34 gravel) 8800 ft climbing, 40 miles 4700 ft climbing Vicious Cycle
18 Spokane Lilac Century Bike Ride & Lilac Gravel Flamdangel Spokane, WA Road: 25 - 50 - 67 (Metric) - 100 Miles == Gravel: Lilac Gravel Flamdangle - 35 Miles Spokane Aurora Northwest Rotary
26 7 Hills of Kirkland 25 Lakeshore Plaza, Kirkland 38.5 miles Kiwanis Club of Kirkland Club
31 Flying Wheels - Summer Century King County's Marymoor Park, Redmond, WA Route: 50, 70, or 100 miles - Elevation Gain: 2,400 - 4,360 ft Cascade Bike Club


tbd Columbia Century Challenge St Helens, OR 66, 111 miles - Extreme terrain with frequent steep hills and long sustained climb Cycle Columbia County
tbd RATPOD - Ride Around the Pioneers in One Day Dillon, Mt 127-Mile Road Ride, 90-Mile Gravel Ride, 41 mile hybrid Camp Mak-A-Dream
tbd Peninsula Metric Century Tacoma, WA 25, 50, 62, 100 miles. Tacoma Washington Bicycle Club
tbd Divide Scramble Butte, Mt 32, 57, 68 miles over gravel - event is not being held in 2023 Bike Walk Montana
tbd Oregon Trail Gravel Grinder - The Grand Tour of Gravel Bend, Oregon 5 days, 4 nights, 350 miles - Gravel adventure through the heart of the Cascades Oregon Gravel Grinderseries
tbd The Grand Tour of Gravel Sisters, OR 42.7, 62.7 & , 86.4 miles, elevation gain 3051 - 7059 Oregon Gravel Grinderseries
tbd Oregon Gran Fondo Cottage Grove, OR One big day on the bike, no matter your level, for two all-road routes or two mixed-surface routes. Mudslinger Events
tbd Century Challenge Lake Chelan, WA 62 miles with 4000' of vertical Rotary - Cycle Lake Chelan
tbd Bike MS 150 Cycle the Silver Valley Kellogg, ID 20, 50, 75 or 100 miles bike MS
tbd CHaFE 150 Gran Fondo Sandpoint, ID One Ride, 5 routes - Gravel Route, 25, 55, 75, 150 miles Sandpoint Rotary
tbd Eight Lakes Leg Aches Spokane, WA 15, 30, 45, 75 miles Visit website
tbd Cascade 1400 Bainbridge Island, WA 1400km - 870 miles. No information for 2023. Seattle Randonneurs
tbd I Made the Grade Chief Timothy Park (Clarkston, WA) 18 miles with 2,100+' climb Visit website
tbd Mazama Ride Marblemount to Mazama 75 miles/day - 11600 ft of climbing. - Cancelled for 2023. Redmond Cycling Club
tbd Mt. Adams Country Bike Tour Trout Lake, WA 11.5, 51, 54 miles Visit website
tbd Virtual Tour de Cure: Pacific Northwest VariousRedmond, WA Various miles Visit website
tbd Ride the Willapa Chehalis, WA 32, 45, 56, 62 miles Visit website
tbd Tour de Blast Toutle Lake High School, Toutle, WA 39, 66 82 miles Tour de Blast
tbd Gorge Ride The Dalles, OR Cancelled for 2025 Visit website
tbd Strawberry Century Lebanon, OR Varied from 13, 23, 50, 70, 100 Santiam Spokes Bicycle Club
tbd Cascade Cycling Classic Bend, OR Stage Race - cancelled for 2023 Visit website
8 Gran Fondo Ellensburg Ellensburg, WA 26, 53, 90 miles miles with 7500' climbing. Extreme terrain with frequent steep hills and long sustained climb. Visit website
13-15 Winthrop Gravel Tour Pine Near Campground, Winthrop, WA Distance: 108 -140 mi. Elevation: 9,800 - 12,700 ft. Cascade Bike Club
20-22 Baker City Cycling Classic Baker City, OR 4 Stage Race BakerCityCyclingclassic.com
21-28 BRNW - Oregon Ashland – Klamath Falls – Ashland 408 miles 25,920 ft elevation Bicycle Rides Northwest
21 Peda Power The Oregon Garden, Silverton, OR 30, 50, 60, 100 mile OR Bike


tbd Northwest Tandem Rally Corvallis, Oregon See event website Northwest Tandem Rally
tbd Spokane Valley Cycle Celebration Mirabeau Meadows Park Spokane, WA 10, 25, 50 miles Visit website
tbd RAMROD Enumclaw, WA 152+ miles & 10,000' climbing Redmond Cycling Club
tbd Oregon CF Cycle for Life Lady Hill Winery, St. Paul, OR 10, 35, 65 Miles Visit website
tbd Ride Around Washington Starting in La Conner, WA Cancelled for 2024" Cascade Bike Club
tbd Ride Around Clark County Vancouver, WA 18, 34, 66, 104 miles - Fully supported VBC-USA
12-13 Seattle to Portland (STP) (Virtual) University of Washington E-18 Lot Walla Walla Road Northeast Seattle, Washington Ride 206 miles Elevation 5,100 feet with 1 or 2 day options. Cascade Bike Club


tbd Heart of Idaho Century Ride Idaho Falls, ID Four options of 25, 62, and 100 miles flat and 100 mile bone hill D91 Education Foundation
tbd Blazing Saddles Colville, WA 5, 42, 68, 100 miles Rotary Club
tbd Bike MS: Willamette Valley 2018 Monmouth, OR Routes from 18 to 160 miles - Fundraising Minimum: $250.00 Visit website
tbd RAPSody (Ride Around Puget Sound) Tacoma, WA The route is 191 miles long and is split into two days. Vancouver Bicycle Club
tbd Blackberry Ramble Eugene, OR 39, 67, 82, 105 miles. Date subject to change. Visit website
tbd Peach of a Century Chemeketa Community College, Salem OR 100, 76, 66 miles - Visit the website for date of ride Salem Bicycle Club
tbd Gran Fondo - Ride the Hurricane Port Angeles, Washington 40 miles, 5,250 feet 40 miles, 5,250 feet Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce
1-3 Port Townsend Tour Port Townsend Vineyards, 2640 West Sims Way Port Townsend, WA 86-124 mi. Elevation Gain: 5,000-07,550 ft Cascade Bike Club
3 Hood and Back McMenamins Edgefield, 2126 S.W. Halsey St., Troutdale, OR 80 miles with almost 6,000 feet of climbing ORbike
16 Annual Tour de Whidbey Whidbey Island, WA 10, 33, 50, 67, 100, 162 miles Visit website
23-24 RSVP - (Ride from Seattle to Vancouver) University of Washingtin, E18 Parking Lot Seattle, Washington 190 miles Elevation Gain: 6,700 ft. Cascade Bike Club
31 High Pass Challenge Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Packwood, WA 114 miles 7500+ ft elevation gain NOTE: Start date is tentative. Check the website link for confirmation. Limited to 60 riders. Cascade Bicycle Club


tbd Kitsap Color Classic See website Pedal along the gorgeous Kitsap Peninsula and through some of the best riding country in the state! 25, 35, 53 miles Cascade Bike Club
tbd Lake Chelan Tour Don Morse Memorial Park, Chelan 77.4 - 154.2 mi 4,719 - 12,354 ft. Cascade Bike Club
tbd Gran Fondo - Mt Baker Hill Climb Glacier, Washington Ascend 4,462 feet from Chair 9 in Glacier to Artist Point (5,140 feet elevation) in 22 miles. https://bakerhillclimb.com/sponsors/
tbd Mt. Baker Hill Climb Hill Climb starts at Snowater Road (just east of Chair 9) and finishes at Artist Point. Anyone over the age of 13 can participate in the Mt. Baker Hill Climb. We have three categories of riders: Social, Recreational, and Competitive See website
tbd Walla Walla Grit Walla Walla, WA 45, 65, 95 miles. This is a hard ride. All three courses have steep sections some might walk up without proper gearing. Courses are designed for experienced cyclists and are not for the faint of heart! Allegro Cyclery
tbd Reach the Beach WA Westport, WA 25, 44, 77, 100 miles - 4 Starting Points American Lung Association
tbd Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Century Apple Bike Ride Wenatchee, WA 25, 50 or 100 miles Wenatchee Sunrise Rotary Club
tbd CDA'Fondo Coeur d'Alene, ID 14, 36, 47, 86 or 116 Visit website
tbd Providence St. Mary Gran Fondo Walla Walla, WA 35, 62 miles Visit website
tbd RIM Ride Liberty Lake, WA 5, 25, 50 or 100 miles Rotary in Motion
tbd WaCanId Ride Sandpoint, ID (the Selkirk Loop) Various-covers up to 370 miles with shorter segments Visit North Idaho
tbd Cycle Oregon Classic Albany, Oregon Mileage: 350 - 454 mi. with options Climbing: 14,814 - 21,393 ft. elevation gain with options Cycle Oregon
tbd Gran Fondo Winthrop Winthrop, WA Warning! This ride is HARD and is intended for experienced cyclists. There will be 10,000+' of climbing and descending, much of which is on rough Forest Service roads. Gravel Grinder, 90 mi Visit website
tbd Oregon Bicycle Ride Starts in Albany, Oregon Visit website for more information Oregon Bicycle Ride
tbd Walla Walla Tour Lite Walla Walla, WA 113-149 miles (each day has a long or short option ) Elevation gain: 4,700 - 5,900 ft. Cascade Bicycle Club
7 Woodinville Wine Ride Black Raven Brewing - Woodinville 20 mi. Elevation: 370 feet Mostly Flat Cascade Bicycle Club
26-28 Lake Chelan Tour Don Morse Park in downtown Chelan Distance: 77.4 - 154.2 mi. Elevation gain: 4,719 - 12,354 ft. Cascade Bicycle Club
28 Harvest Century Mollala, Oregon 30-100 miles - Separate routes available ORBike


tbd FWRT Bike Rides - Kotaho An 85-mile rail trail from Weiser to almost New Meadows The October Trek is a two day, fully supported bike ride of the entire 85 mile Weiser River Trail. Friends of the Weiser River Trail
tbd Manashtash Metric Century Ellensburg, WA Century & Half-Century Tour Visit website
5 Kitsap Color Classic Edmonds Ferry Terminal Edmonds, WA and/or Port of Kingston Kiwanis Park Kingston, WA Distance: 25, 33, or 52 miles Elevation Gain: 1,500 - 2,900 Cascade Bike Club
5 Vineyard Tour Oakland, Oregon Four distances to choose from 17 to 100 miles. Umpqua Velo Club


tbd None for this month


tbd None for this month